Nantale's family - Funded

  • Nantale's family is from the village of Byerima where Sr. Maria grew up. She is the mother of thirteen children (only five of which are currently alive) and the grandmother of two children who live at home with her now. Her granddaughter's name is Namulindwa Florence, who is fourteen years old, and she has a grandson Lubegga Francis Kaggwa who is twelve. Nantale and her husband have raised many of their grandchildren but her husband died about two and a half years ago. Now she struggles to feed her grandchildren as a peasant farmer and cannot afford to send them to school. 

  • My name is Nantale. I come from a large family of twelve. I am the seventh child in our family. I got married about fifty years ago and had thirteen children. I am surviving with five children three girls and two boys. The rest died off in their thirties and mid-twenties. All my children had a chance to complete elementary school and the boys had a chance to complete high school and also technical schools. As a mother, I could see the difference between my children who had achieved higher education and the girls who had only achieved elementary level education. My husband did not want to spend money on girl’s education since he knew that they were going to get married to another family. This was always a great pain on my side but since I did not have enough money I could not decide to send them for higher education.

    After the loss of my children, I started to bring my grand daughters and sons to live with us. My husband and I have raised most of them. Unfortunately, my husband died about two and half years ago due to a heart failure. Currently, I live with two grandchildren at my house but I cannot afford to pay for their tuition. I am a peasant farmer-I can only manage to get food to feed the family and to sell the surplus food to earn some money to buy salt, soap, cloth, and medication if one of the grand children or myself fall sick.

    When I heard about this project of the pigs I was very excited because I believed that our lives will change. My grandchildren will have a chance to attend school and to get the scholastic materials they need to succeed. I do not want them to get married at a very young age before finishing their education. God bless all people of good heart who want to help others live better lives.

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