Namaganda Juliet’s family - Funded

  • Namaganda Juliet’s family is from the village of Kakunyu which is close to the Daughter's of Mary (Bwanda) convent. She is the mother of four children under the age of eight who live at home with her.  She is married but her husband is rarely home and does not support the household. Her son's names are Seruwagi Joseph, Mbogga Patrick and Kasagala Jude, who are seven, five, and three and a half years old respectively. She also has a daughter Nabasagala Immaculate who is five months. Namaganda is sending her two older children to school but she lacks the funds for their scholastic materials so she fears for the future of her two younger children.

  • Namaganda Juliet’s husband does work but he spends all his earning on alcohol and does not support the family. Namaganda met her husband at Bwanda (the Daughters of Mary convent in Masaka) when both were working in the banana plantations. She went to work for the Sisters because she wanted to get enough money to go to a vocational school. When she met her husband they fell in love, and both decided to get married. She recalls, “When I first met my husband, he was so loving, kind, and seemed to have words of wisdom.” Little did she know at that time that her experience was not going to be the same in the years following their marriage.

    Namaganda decided to go back and ask the Sisters of the Daughters of Mary to find her some job so that she can support her family. The sisters hired her again to work on their banana plantation. She said that she is very grateful for the support from the sisters, however, the money she gets is not enough for her to support her children. Two of her children started going to school but because she is the only one providing for them she lacks enough money to buy them scholastic materials. She does not know what she will do when her two youngest children are old enough to attend school because she is spending all the money she makes on the banana plantation to send her older two children to school.

    Namaganda Juliet cannot divorce her husband since she does not have any other place to live with her children. She asks, “Please help me get some financial support so that I can improve the life of my family and the future of my children.”

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