Namuli Betty's family - Funded

  • Namuli Betty's family is from the village of Byerima where Sr. Maria grew up. She is married but her husband does not give her any financial support. She and her husband have five children but she has also taken in three children that her husband fathered with other women. The girls names are Namiggo Dorothy, Nakyomya Desderanta, Kacubya Babra and Nabasajja Mary, who are seventeen, thirteen, five and two years old respectively. The boys names are Ziryawamu Deus, Lukaaga Damascus, Muganda Dominic and Kiwanuka Costantate who are fifteen, eleven, nine and seven respectively. 

  • My name is Namuli and I belong to the monkey clan. I was born and raised in Uganda in Kalongo village, which is next to Byerima village where I live with my husband and children. My husband and I have five children together. However, I take care of eight children of which three of them are children that were brought to my house by other women that my husband had stopped giving support. Although I live in the same house with my husband, he does not give me any financial support. I struggle to find tuition, food, clothing and other basic needs for the children all by myself. Unfortunately, the women who brought their children to my house thought that I get financial support from my husband and they wanted their children to get that support but that is not true.

    My children go to government funded schools. This means that they do not have to pay for tuition other than buying scholastic materials and some fees for different activities. I still find myself not being able to buy them scholastic materials and to pay for the required fees since I depend entirely on farming. My children would have been performing better in school if they had all the necessary material they need at school. I understand that if they do not do well in school this is going to affect their future careers. Without proper education, they will not be able to get better jobs and this means that they will live in poverty and they will die young.

    I have told my children about this project and we are all excited to have a pigsty and piglets. We assure you that we will take good care of those pigs and we will try by all means to build more pigsties using the money we will get from selling piglets. Thank you for giving us startup capital. Your support means a lot to our family.

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